“Integration of CLIL Approach in Laboratory Classes of Materials Engineering” by Martin Kusý

Presentation from Day 2 of International seminar 2021 organised by CLIL-HET project.


Title: Integration of CLIL Approach in Laboratory Classes of Materials Engineering
Presentation by: Martin Kusý
Recorded on: 12 March 2021


The presentation describes the integration of CLIL approach in laboratory classes of Materials Engineering. In particular, it was integrated in the subject “Methods of Materials Analysis” which is fundamental for students of bachelor degree at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology studying Materials Engineering. One seminar and three laboratory topics were chosen with length of each topic not exceeding 15 minutes. Seminar topic was aimed at explaining the structure and content of the metallography report. Laboratory topics describe polishing, point counting method and train formulation of lateral resolution equation. CLIL lessons combine Slovak and English resources, visual aids, scaffolding and pre-teaching vocabulary. It was shown that despite of rather demanding experimental content it is possible to effectively integrate the CLIL approach in laboratory classes of Methods of Materials Analysis.

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