“ESP – A Review of Stakeholder Expectations” by Sophia Butt

Presentation from Day 1 of International seminar 2021 organised by CLIL-HET project.


Title: ESP – A Review of Stakeholder Expectations
Presentation by: Sophia Butt
Recorded on: 11 March 2021


Since they were first established at the University of Birmingham (UoB) in the late 1960s, there has been much growth and expansion in the provision of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) programmes across the UK, and later, international higher education institutions (HEIs). Through the combined approach of stakeholder needs analyses and more effective collaboration with subject specialists, ESP course design has gradually evolved to move away from general English Language Teaching (ELT) provision to more targeted ESP. But just how much has changed where the drivers for success are concerned?
This paper will compare the findings of several studies on the subject of EAP/ESP over the past few decades to determine the extent to which key stakeholder expectations are being met within the field. The presenter will also share her own research results, plus tips emanating from a highly-acclaimed ESP programme at the UoB of which she was the director.

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