CLIL – Higher Education Teacher (CLIL-HET) Visegrad+ project focused on grouping ESP/CLIL specialists intending to develop a professional platform to share good practice, experience and the latest research findings leading to enhancing internationalization process in HEIs in V4 and Western Balkan region. The project partners from 6 countries Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Serbia and Albania started working on the project outcomes in 2019. The implementation period was firstly set up to 2020. Nevertheless, the world pandemic situation resulted in the project prolongation till 1st June 2021.
We can proudly announce that we managed to full our project aims and plans. Notwithstanding the withdrawal of the Czech partner from the project, we succeeded in delivering the project outcomes for professional communities in HEIs and meet the planned indicators. The platform comprises four main corners Project, Didactic, Research and Community one. It is designed for ESP/ CLIL professionals and the community of disciplinary teachers in HEIs for closer multidisciplinary and international cooperation.
We also studied the CLIL approaches a potential tool for establishing English Education Environment (EEE) in HEIs. The project outcomes and findings are described in details in this Newsletter. Finally, I would like to thank all project participants for their contributions during the project implementation period, especially to the disciplinary teachers who were involved in the project for their enthusiasm to cooperate with ESP/CLIL specialists on delivering CLIL lessons in their content courses despite all Covid pandemic -related difficulties.
If you are a HE teacher who is interested in the internationalization process of higher education how to accelerate it, you are welcome to use the platform to start closer collaboration across disciplines and borders.
Read more in our full Project Newsletter.